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Community Engagement Experiences

           Through the Hort Club we’ve done just a couple, small community              service projects here and there. We sold mums at the Homecoming                Football Game for the club. We also went and helped clean out the                Peace Garden on campus. It was a wonderful experience to know we were keeping the memory of WWI and WWII soldiers alive and well respected here on campus.

B. A. R. C.

BARC is a program run through the vet school to help social the puppies. It calls on volunteers to walk the dogs and run the charity events for the club. I have been part of both the walks and a couple of the club dinners. It’s not service in the traditional sense, but I started this semester looking for the service opportunities that best suited my skills.

Feeding America

 The Feeding America trip I attended was a SERVE trip and was one of the Saturday morning runs. To be back in a food pantry made me very happy, but the differences made me nervous at first. Eventually we all settled into a rhythm and sorting went smoothly. The thing I appreciated most about the service experience was the connection to the community being served. At the pantry I had previously done service for, the details regarding who was being served were very vague and often unpublicized. At Feeding America, the identities of recipients are kept confidential yet as volunteers we were made aware of the region we were helping and how far our efforts would go. I think that was the most valuable part for volunteers: motivation to increase the number of people being helped as much as possible.

Paris Barns

This service event has probably been my favorite and most eye opening service trip so far this semester. I have realized that no matter how much I get out of the social interaction that comes with rehabilitating animals, I feel more passionate about correcting the food insecurity problems. I absolutely loved doing my try-it Tuesday and holding a chicken. I loved the group experience and meeting Audrey as our trip leader. I absolutely loved socializing with the piglets and going searching for eggs in the chicken coop. However, I feel as if I have a larger impact on issues that are important to me when I am working to combat food insecurity.



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